The Library Centre - Kinkulla - plays an important role

in supporting both staff and students. It houses the library book and resource collection, a bank of laptops - connected to the internet - student and staff work areas and games.
Students' Library lessons are planned so that they integrate with class programs and reinforce new skills that align with the Australian Curriculum.
Through the Library collection students are guided in reading development and in developing a love for literature with the goal of becoming life long readers and learners.
Classes borrow weekly; however, children can independently borrow and return books before and after school and during lunch break. Parents are free to visit the Library at this time with their children. Students require a named waterproof library bag to protect the books. These are available from the Uniform Shop.
The Library is open before school at 8.20am and at lunchtime everyday for quiet reading, games and computer use.
My favourite part of St Peter Chanel is the Library. I like the Library because I get to read lots of books. The Library is fun. I like the Library. The Library is fun for me. Sophie B (1M)
St Peter Chanel students can access the school's eLibrary by
clicking here
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter Chanel Primary School (2017)